9 Tips For Communication In The Workplace


We talk a lot about communication in the corporate environment as a whole. Let’s talk about some tips to improve communication with your colleagues, managers, superiors, or team.

How To Communicate In The Workplace:

Remember: It Is Not What You Say That Matters But What The Other “Hear.”

That is what he understands. You tend to seek feedback on what the other has understood, with a closing question that summarizes your message.

Choose The Right Channel.

Is an email the best way to discuss a subject? Have you ever thought about using email less and sometimes talking to people in person? If you find it necessary to “document” what has been agreed, send an email starting with these words: “As per our conversation today, we have decided that…”.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Many people are overly reliant on the persuasiveness of their speech. Whenever you have to give a presentation to a group, use a PowerPoint type editor and don’t restrict yourself to texts; use images that illustrate your good ideas.

Don’t Talk Unnecessarily.

Many people think they have to stand out in meetings by saying something, whatever it is, and end up paying that peep. If you mean to say it won’t add anything, keep quiet. Only good ideas make people stand out.

Don’t Shut Up Unnecessarily.

Similarly, if you think you’re going to add something relevant to the discussion, state your ideas clearly and assertively.

For Each Profile, A Type Of Speech

As you get to know your team members, colleagues and superiors better, notice which type of speech convinces them best. Some people need to see images; others need proven data and graphics; some are enchanted and thrilled. Adjust your messages: say “what” others want to hear.

Never Interrupt The Speaker.

Listen carefully and take the opportunity at structurely.com to understand the other’s opinions better. If you disagree with what he says, wait to finish and start your response in an almost neutral way, something like: “I understand your point of view, but I believe that in this case.” Don’t go into confrontation, be diplomatic.

Practice Active Listening

Please pay close attention to what the other person says, their gestures, facial expressions, and between the lines. We often listen, but we don’t clearly understand the message.

Avoid Endless Meetings

Whoever organizes the meeting must clearly define the topic, who will participate, and, above all, when it starts and ends. Generally, meetings longer than an hour led to nothing!

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